Joanna Blackhart, Accessibility & Sensitivity




Accessibility and sensitivity services are available at a sliding scale rate for independent teams on a case-by-case basis.

Because all teams and projects deserve proper accessibility, indie rates can and will vary based on project needs, time constraints, and scope size, up to and including pro-bono.

Corporate speaking engagements begin at $2000/hr USD, and will also vary based on needs, constraints, and scope. Corporate consultations begin at $150/hr USD.


"Joanna has been an absolute joy to work with. Their work, ideas, and input have made Frogsong a much better game, and it's a pleasure to have them on the team. Their work goes beyond a game and its players; they make sure everyone on the production team is healthy too."

- Bee Braun, Frogsong

"Blackhart's work alongside ideology is very much influenced by being a person of color working towards more accessibility, able to provide a unique prospective... [including] awareness of how issues in gaming are worse for disabled people of color." 

- Veerender Singh Jubbal, Journalist